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Glass bottle has a shortage of bottle shoulders
Time:2018-10-9 9:56:06      Number Of Clicks:588
In the production of glass bottles, due to defects in the manufacturing process, the shortage of the bottle shoulders occurred, that is, the bottle collapsed shoulders or the concave phenomenon that we often see, and even the bottle shoulders are not fully formed. So what is the cause of this phenomenon? Let's take a look at the introduction of the following knowledge.First, in the production of glass bottles, the reason why the glass bottle has a shortage of bottle shoulders is probably caused by the fact that the temperature of the gob is too high and too low during the production.Second, the shape of the gob is not good or the thin material is not correct, which can also cause the bottle to have insufficient bottle shoulder.Thirdly, in the production of glass bottles, there is a lot of friction on the material path. If the position of the blowing head is improper or the pressure of the blowing is too small, the bottle bottle will be insufficiently produced.Fourth, the time of blowing is too short, and the pressure of the blown air is too large and the time is too long, which may cause the possibility of a concave body when the glass bottle is formed.

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