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What is a qualified glass bottle?
Time:2018-10-9 9:19:27      Number Of Clicks:935
(1) Bubbles in bottles: Bubbles are a problem that is easy to occur in the production of glass bottles. Most of the quality inspectors in the inspection cannot correctly grasp the dimensions. For example, bubbles above 1mm on the sealing surface of the bottle mouth are not allowed; Bottle body: no more than 6 bubbles in a square of less than 1mm; no more than 3 bubbles of 1mm<∮<6mm, and the spacing is more than 20mm; the surface of the bubble is not allowed to wait, it is difficult Grasp, only use the film with different shapes to compare. Glass bottle factory(2) 歪 neck: mainly in the operation of the hand, the die and the mold is misplaced or the side of the die is not completely placed on the mold, requiring the operation to correct the operation can be solved. Even if it does not affect the fit with the lid, it affects the appearance of the entire bottle.(3) Oblique bottom: uneven feeding at the bottom, half thickness, or even more than half, affecting product quality and lowering the product grade.(4) Thickness of the stitching line: The stitching line exceeds 0.5mm on the surface, and even the feeling of scratching the hand is not allowed. The special sealing surface of the bottle mouth is not allowed. The main reason is that the mold is not in place or worn, and needs to be repaired, polished, polished and combined.

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