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Common quality problems and causes of glass bottles
Time:2018-10-9 9:20:43      Number Of Clicks:931
The quality of glass bottles is divided into appearance quality and intrinsic quality;Appearance quality: divided into material color, finish, transparency, etc.; the first element is glass bottle color, according to our Xuzhou regional standards: fine white material, high white material, plain white material three grades; note is "Xuzhou "Region", if we compare with the special bottle of Shandong Yucheng and Sichuan, we may be better than them, but the price is also much higher than ours; the same material color is the glass bottle finish, transparency, good bottle appearance should be No impurities, bubbles, no cold spots, sticky bottles, wrinkle-free skin, no putty, etc., there is also a point to pay attention to the bottle "double stitching", there are individual glass bottle manufacturers quality requirements are not strict, often there will be seams Large line and double stitching phenomenon; finally, the bottle is straight, the large-mouth glass bottle has good clarity and transparency, and the small-mouth glass bottle can not have a particularly obvious hazy wave pattern.Intrinsic quality: more subdivisions - glass bottle strength, quenching and hot temperature difference, bottle verticality, bottle thickness, bottle body without deformation, neck, bottle flatness roundness, no cold grain blast, silk The pattern is full without the broken filament of the silk wire, and there is no diameter in the bottle mouth. The most common problems of Xuzhou glass bottle manufacturers are the following points: small mouth bottle neck, small mouth flat bottle body shaking, large mouth bottle drum wire, etc.; small mouth bottle neck neck consequences are affecting the appearance, can not be machine filling can not machine The reason is that the mold factor, the production speed is fast, the bottle clamp is not matched, etc.; the small mouth flat bottle shakes most of the mold bottom skid line is not handled well, but also has a boring head print bias, and the organic speed is not fixed, etc. Caused; the consequences of the drum of the big mouth bottle is that the silk thread becomes thick and can not be capped, because the die is not well cooled or the head is shallow.

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