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Glass bottles are renewable resources
Time:2018-10-9 9:59:52      Number Of Clicks:601
Glass bottle recycling has become a forgotten corner of the recycling system. Ready to send to the waste collection station, however, all waste collection stations do not accept glass products.A pile of empty bottles, large and small. These empty bottles include soy sauce bottles, wine bottles, canned bottles... The glass bottle fragments are often used to injure the sanitation personnel.Especially in the restaurants, KTV outside the road, you can always find a lot of discarded glass bottles. Sometimes glass waste can exceed one-third of the total amount of waste.According to environmental experts, glass products can not be degraded after simple landfill, not only increasing the total amount of waste, but also the metal components in some glass can pollute the environment.In fact, waste glass is a renewable resource with high utilization rate and easy recycling. At present, the industry of recycling environmentally friendly building materials is very mature.

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