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How to improve the accuracy of the perfume bottle
Time:2018-10-9 10:03:23      Number Of Clicks:886
With the rapid development of the network, the power of online shopping is rapid, and the transaction volume of this year's eleven to 35 billion has already shown the height of its traditional sales channels. More and more traditional enterprises have begun to switch to e-commerce channels. Cosmetic companies are also important players. For perfume cosmetics manufacturers, the opportunities brought by online shopping have also brought some new challenges.Online shopping perfumes need to be delivered from the perfume sales company to the consumer through express delivery. In this process, a large part of the perfume is packaged in a glass perfume bottle. On the one hand, the glass perfume bottle is a traditional perfume bottle packaging form, and the other glass perfume bottle is more in line with the perfume manufacturer's demand for the high-end luxury packaging of the perfume compared with other material packaging.However, glass perfume bottles are fragile, and the various transportation links involved in express delivery are very complicated. Glass perfume bottles are very easy to break during such a delivery process. How to solve this packaging problem is very important. We believe that perfume bottle manufacturers should improve on the one hand. Make the glass perfume bottle more resistant to crushing. On the other hand, you can add some vacuum bags and other things during transportation to make the glass perfume bottle not easy to collide.

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